Breaking News!!

The Nashua River Watershed Association has just learned that the “Nashua Wild and Scenic Rivers Act” has been signed into law today by the President!  Sections of our Nashua, Squannacook, and Nissitissit Rivers are now officially designated as part of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System!

What Parts of the Rivers are Being Designated as Wild and Scenic

River Segment 1:  Nashua River Mainstem
From the confluence of the North and South Nashua Rivers in Lancaster, MA, north to the Massachusetts and New Hampshire state line at Pepperell and Dunstable, MA.

River Segment 2:  Squannacook River
From Ash Swamp at the headwaters of the Squannacook in West Townsend south / southeast to its confluence with the Nashua River Mainstem in Shirley and Ayer, MA.

River Segment 3:  Nissitissit River
​From Lake Potanipo in Brookline, NH to its confluence with the Nashua River Mainstem in Pepperell, MA

For more information, please visit

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